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About Us

Hi There,

My name is Alison Vande Slunt. I am married to my wonderful husband, Noel, and the Lord has blessed us with three children here on earth, two in His hands that we have not met, as well as one being knit together, due to arrive in May 2013.

We are thankful for many things...learning how to love one another more as we learn to love our Father more, the Lord teaching us how to raise our children in Him, the opportunity to home school them, our wonderful church family, and the many sweet relationships He has blessed us with in our circle of family and friends. Mainly we are thankful that "He is our strength, our rock, our fortress, deliverer, shield, stronghold and horn of our salvation, in whom we will trust." (Psalm 18:2)

As an artist, I love to paint artwork for my client's homes and businesses. There are many types of artwork that I offer:
  • Art that writes the blessed statutes of the Lord on the doorposts and gates of homes
  • Art that encourages united family life and hospitality in the home
  • Art that declares the truth about children being a blessing
  • Art that celebrates the lives of our children and adds beauty to their environments
  • Art that celebrates the blessing of marriage and the couple's special day
  • Art that simply adds beauty to the home or business
As a "nurse" to my family, I am so thankful to have been blessed with Young Living Essential Oils. They have been a huge answer to prayer, for being able to offer healing with natural medicine to my family. Our little boy had several cases of pneumonia and therefore many rounds of antibiotics in his first 18 months of his life. He has been pneumonia and antibiotic free since April of 2012 when we started using the oils on him. I would love to share with you these different oils and natural supplements, so that you can see how you can add health to your family in natural and very effective ways.

The main categories that I will be sharing with you on this blog are:
  • My portfolio, both previous and current artwork/projects around the home
  • The custom artwork that I offer
  • The essential oils that promote healing
  • Family Life
  • The work of the Church
  • How to start your own mural/decorative painting business
  • And other miscellaneous topics like the different celebrations of life (births and weddings), frugality and financial freedom, hospitality and menu ideas, as well as updates on our family.
Of course, I am definitely somewhat more knowledgeable in the categories of artwork, as I have been doing that for sometime. The other categories, at a "young" age of 30 I am still learning so much and am not seasoned by any means, but hopefully we can learn together from the more seasoned moms, and you will be encouraged and blessed by your time here.

Thank you for stopping in! :-)


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