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Pregnancy Update...the sweet sounds of a beating heart and those precious little flutters

 Thursday, November 22, 2012

Well, it is Thanksgiving Day, and we have much to be thankful for, as always. This little one growing inside of me is reason to give even more thanks to the Lord! I am just about 16 weeks along, with a due date of May 11th. Yesterday the children and I went to the midwife and we were able to hear our sweet baby's heart beating...such a lovely sound. This week I have started feeling little one wiggling and moving about, and with having more pregnancies it really never grows old. The whole process of the Lord knitting together a child in the womb will always amaze me, and we feel so blessed that He has entrusted another one to us. Oh, that we would be faithful parents to this little boy or girl.

Speaking of which, we will hopefully find out the gender of this little one on Tuesday, December 11th. So, to follow our fun little tradition, you can add your vote to our little poll here. What do you think? Will this Baby Vande Slunt be a little brother or sister for Julianna, Rebecca and Thomas?

Usually, when we do this poll, most people say, wait a minute-I want to see a picture! And how have you been feeling? What are you craving? So, I will post a picture-and no we're definitely not having twins. I just tend to show early, and it seems to be more so with each pregnancy. :-)

I had my normal few weeks of nausea, and that is pretty much over at this point and has been for a few weeks. I still get a little queasy before I go to bed. I will say this, it was more like the girls' pregnancies-somewhat mild. Thomas' was the worst so far...although not as bad as some of you ladies have it at all! (Please don't think I'm complaining) I wasn't all that tired, just a week or two of that. I crave meat, eggs, and grapefruit....and chocolate, but that's always a craving of mine, pregnant or not. That's about it as far as symptoms and cravings go.

Now it's time for you to cast your vote...


Anonymous,  December 1, 2012 at 9:26 AM  

Hey Cuz! I love the picture - it makes me think it's a girl. That's my vote: GIRL :)

Anonymous,  December 1, 2012 at 11:47 AM  

Its a girlie!!!!! You look so adorable and I am so excited to see the amazing things the Lord is going to continue to do in your family!!! I love you!!! Beca :)

Anonymous,  December 1, 2012 at 1:45 PM  

I'm going to say girl too!

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